Friday, February 22, 2008

Change the water

Every year a new batch of naysayers or (sometimes the same ol ones) come up with a new emergency that will negatively effect business. Last year it was the influx of new system manufacturers that would bring down the big guys and any one attached to them. The year before it was" you better join our club or you will be left behind",This year it seems the catch phrase might be "over distribution will probably end it for the big boys", so you had better look for a better way..My point is that every year something happens. Sometimes its related to the economy, sometimes the market and sometimes to specific people.
Well I do pretty well staying connected to the big boys ,and I have learned that if I were to follow those negative naysayers I probably wouldn't be any better off, and possibly I would contribute to the force or power of the message they spout.
Now I'm not saying I wont look at new ideas or materials , I am constantly looking for something that will help my bottom line or business in general. If I were open to other things or ideas how would I adapt and grow. This is the crux-to adapt and grow.
My overall mission in life and business is built around the idea of adapt and grow. I am only at the beginning of this mission and can't even guess what will be the result of it all. I do hope to some extent that it is a long long trip. I am having too much fun to want it to stop.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Who sleeps in the pond

Who sleeps in the pond business?
If sleep were a prerequisite for being in this business I’m not sure any of us would make it.
My ideas about business are just that “mine”. Most of the things I have learned have been picked up from someone else, with this in mind I admit that I have a whole bunch still to learn.
I think all of us in the pond /water-feature field are looking for that magic pill or word, and a large percentage of us stay up late nights reading or surfing for more information. This business to me isn’t just a job. I had several jobs in my life, and I think that one reason I had them was I had to learn my own skills and loves before I would recognize they could be the same thing. It’s possible that if I had started out in this business earlier I could have saved a bunch of time. But I would have probably missed out on the one or two specific things that I was supposed to see at that job or place in time.
So here I am seeking mentorship not only in business but in life. Eventually the perfect person or information will be there in front of me. I hope I recognize it and don’t blink.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Why ponds

Ponds and waterfalls sre my life.
Well after several years of designing residental and commercial ponds/waterfalls, I have come to realize that only a few people know any thing about the industry that I am in. With this in mind , Here is what I think.

My industry is only in its infantsy, although waterfeatures have been in use for thousands of years,By infantsy I mean as an industry. Today if I ask people on the street about waterfeatures or waterscaping, most will not know what I am talking about. So This makes me think that as a whole people aren't aware that a thriving industry exists right under their noses.This is a multi million doller industry.

Garden ponds, koi ponds, waterfeatures, These are some of the terms used in describing what I live by and thru. Well I will try to relate how I do this, and how most people are touched by it every day.