Monday, February 18, 2008

Who sleeps in the pond

Who sleeps in the pond business?
If sleep were a prerequisite for being in this business I’m not sure any of us would make it.
My ideas about business are just that “mine”. Most of the things I have learned have been picked up from someone else, with this in mind I admit that I have a whole bunch still to learn.
I think all of us in the pond /water-feature field are looking for that magic pill or word, and a large percentage of us stay up late nights reading or surfing for more information. This business to me isn’t just a job. I had several jobs in my life, and I think that one reason I had them was I had to learn my own skills and loves before I would recognize they could be the same thing. It’s possible that if I had started out in this business earlier I could have saved a bunch of time. But I would have probably missed out on the one or two specific things that I was supposed to see at that job or place in time.
So here I am seeking mentorship not only in business but in life. Eventually the perfect person or information will be there in front of me. I hope I recognize it and don’t blink.

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